Sunday, November 18, 2012

BU RET 2012:Classroom Implications

It has been more than 3 months since the end of the BU RET program I attended this  summer but its impact on my teaching and consequently the learning experience of my students is just beginning to be felt.

It all started at the beginning of the year when students were asking questions about the poster that was taped on the wall adjacent to the classroom entrance. They were eager to hear about the big helium balloon in one of the pictures and this was enough to begin a dialogue about science in general and space physics in particular.

Since then I have used anecdotes from my experience at BUSAT to motivate my students and show them application of the skills that they would learn in physics class. The importance of collaboration, taking notes and making all communication explicit have been at the top of my list.

Furthermore, two weeks ago my students finalized they're water projects but this time around instead of making a poster board to showcase their experience they generated a poster in electronic format by using a power point template very similar to the ones that the RETs used this past summer; the only exception was that instead of Boston University the institution they were "affiliated" with was Somerville High School. Their dedication and desire to complete the task arose to new heights when I told them that I created something very similar when I presented this past summer pointing at the poster taped near the classroom door.

Poster Presentation created from a group of 3 students

In the months to come, I am looking forward to collaborating with the astronomy club advisor at Somerville High School to replicate the near space balloon launch that I had the opportunity to do this past summer at BU. After showing my students a video that Jay De Furia and I put together to summarize the experience they all wanted to be part of the Near Space Balloon Team for the spring 2013 launch.   

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