After spending all of last week understanding the details of our project, we began this week by putting together a detailed agenda for the completion of the project in a timely manner. Once we got a better idea on the things that needed to get done we started to prioritize.
We decided to start working on Labs#2,5 since we are running them for the rest of the RET teachers next friday and its always a good idea to get things done ahead of time to leave some room for complications.
Soldering the MAX chips together in preparation
for the Temperature Sensors Lab
In the process we realized that re-writing the labs to be more high school friendly and doing an adequate job with the teacher manual is a very time consuming job. A lot was achieved this past week in that front but a good amount still remains to get done. Most importantly, we were able to successfully complete the labs and we double checked that we have all the materials needed.
In addition to our BUSAT work, this week marked our first Cleanroom experience. After getting over the fact that our outfits were too cool for school and about 10000000 pictures later we were able to appreciate this advanced laboratory were the number of particles floating around was kept in check at all times. Helen Fawcett became our lab instructor for the day. She was very patient and took time answering our numerous questions.
My lab partner Jay DeFuria and I goofing around
in the cleanroom
in the cleanroom
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